- (Do ants sleep at all) YES, THEY DO - but not in the sense we understand sleep. Research conducted by James and Cottell into sleep patterns of insects 1983 showed that ants have a cyclical pattern of resting periods which each nest as a group observes, lasting around eight minutes in any 12-hour period.
2. (Are most ants male or female?) The majority of queen ants' eggs grow up to become wingless, sterile female ants, or workers. Occasionally, winged male and female ants are produced to mate. After mating, males die and, in many species, females shed their wings, going on to establish new colonies.
3.(how much an ant can lift?) This one is old as the hills: ants can lift up to 10, 100, no, 1000 times their own weight right up over their heads! It's incredible, especially since real research puts the number anywhere from 20 to 100 times, depending on the species of ant.
4.(Do ants feel physical pain?) Some activists tout these two studies as proof insects feel pain but nociception is not pain. The current definition of pain requires an emotional response. Humans can feel pain without any physical stimulus and are capable of emotions associated with pain like suffering and terror.
5.(How long do ants sleep in a day?) Queen fire ants fall into relatively long, deep sleeps and kip for an average of nine hours every day. By contrast, workers sleep just half as much and get to rest by taking hundreds of short power naps. This division of rest may help explain why queens live for years, while worker ants typically only live for months
6. (What is the role of queen ant?) The queen is the only ant that can lay eggs. The male ant's job is to mate with future queen ants and they do not live very long afterwards. Once the queen grows to adulthood, she spends the rest of her life laying eggs! Depending on the species, a colony may have one queen or many queens